State Lauds College Public Safety Workers
The California College and University Police Chiefs Association honored two Westmont public safety officials at its annual convention earlier this month. The association gave Karen Huggins, Westmont public safety officer, the Award of Merit for her outstanding performance in responding to the Tea Fire, evacuating the campus and getting students safely to the gym. The Award of Merit is presented to educational law enforcement officials who by their act or acts, tangibly and conspicuously further the cause of educational law enforcement by outstanding or superior conduct. The performance of such act or acts shall be motivated solely by the desire to benefit the educational law enforcement community without thought of personal gain.
The association also honored Tom Bauer, Westmont manager of security and public safety, with the Award of Distinction. Bauer, who has served as the president of the association for the past two years, was recognized for exemplary service to the educational law enforcement community.
The mission of the association, which includes 110 member institutions, is to advance the professional development of higher educational law enforcement throughout California.
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