Westmont Alumni Provide Job Survival Tips
Four Westmont alumni will share stories of their business lives in a free, public panel discussion, “Tips for Surviving in a Challenging Job Market after Graduation: Mistakes I’ve Made and Ideas for Making the Most of It,” Tuesday, March 23, at 3:15 p.m. in Hieronymus Lounge.
The panel includes Laura Ortberg Turner ‘07, a political science major who is working as an admissions coordinator at Fuller Theological Seminary, Zack Turner ’06, a history major serving as a coordinator for the Kiva Fellows Program, Coordinator, Iris Adipue ’08, a biology major who recently was a technical writer for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs at the Sacramento Medical Center, and Ben Taylor ’09, an English major who is the Web site administrator for FindTheBest.com. They represent a diverse work force in the areas of business, education, politics and health.
Jennifer Taylor, director of internships, says in light of the economy, students have concerns about finding work after they graduate. “At the same time, seniors especially, tend to be consumed with the very immediate goals of wrapping up a Westmont career,” Taylor says. “Looking much beyond the year after graduation can be overwhelming.”
The talk will explore the best ways to make the transition from classroom to workplace. “Internships are a great way to facilitate this transition,” Taylor says. “The most effective way to promote an internship opportunity is to refer a student to someone who has gone before him or her. Students trust their friends and classmates to give them a perspective to which they can relate.”
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Alumni, Campus Events